Monday, 6 January 2014

Draft Q3 of Evaluation

What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?

It is extremely necessary that the company that distributes my magazine doesn’t already have a magazine that is similar to mine, because this would create competition within the company which could result in the failure of one of the competing music magazines. To avoid this, I would not choose for my magazine to be distributed by Bauer Media or IPC media as they already distributed very successful magazines including Kerrang!, NME and Q magazine, and as my magazine is very similar to Q I would prefer for it to be distributed by a different company.

By assessing this information, I have decided that the company I would like to distribute my magazine would be Future PLC. It doesn’t currently have a magazine similar to mine as mine focuses more on the bands/artists, whereas the existing magazines distributed by Future PLC are based on playing instruments. Magazines that they distribute include Total Guitar, Rhythm and Guitarist. As instruments do play a vital role in the Indie Genre I think that this would be a great company to distribute my magazine because it would emphasise the importance of instruments and would highlight how closely the artist and the instruments relate.

The magazines distributed by Future PLC magazine also have a similar target audience to mine of males age 16-24. Therefore they would not have to take any risks by trying to appeal towards a different age range, my magazine would sit comfortably with all the other magazines that they distribute. Appealing to females as well would be slightly different for them but considering the popularity of the Indie genre I think that it would be a successful risk to take.

Future PLC has also been named AOP & PPA Digital Publisher of the Year and BMA Media Company of the Year which highlights that it as an extremely successful publishing company. I feel that if my magazine was distributed by them that it would sell very well as the company has such a good reputation. They also work closely with creating websites which gives my magazine a huge platform of having a successful online option.

I would like to distribute my magazine through advertisement via New Media and Social Media. I have created a twitter account for my magazine that would promote the release of it and build up an audience base. As my target audience are females and males ages 16-24, I feel that this is probably the best way of getting noticed with them as social networking is extremely popular among these people. As being part of this age range myself, I know that the amount of people with accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr are extraordinary, and this would gain huge publicity for my magazine. I would also use typical promotional methods e.g. billboards, the sides of buses, underground posters as transport is an important way of life for my target audience and these advertisements would not go unnoticed.

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